Well, for our products, compostable means that you can throw your plastic products into your garden, compost bin, wherever there is ample air and soil and within a few weeks, the plastic will be gone, replaced with nutrient rich compost with which to nourish your garden with.

No, biodegradable products mean that they will break down into smaller particles, usually microplastics, which are still toxic and leech chemicals into natural environments. Bioplastics on the other hand are an intentionally misleading term used by some companies to say that their products are organic when in reality, most bioplastics contain up to 60% conventional plastics

Corn plastic is a suitable alternative to regular plastic because this plastic is made from cornstarch which makes it an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. Regular plastic is manufactured using fossil fuels and releases large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Cornstarch industry is a growing industry and the plastic made from them is 100% compostable which makes it a great alternative for regular plastics.

Other plastic alternatives in use right now such as paper, metal, glass, silicone all have the same problem which is that they all require much more resources to create when compared to corn-starch or bagasse products. With paper specifically, paper production requires 4 times more water and produces 3 times more greenhouse gases from machinery and transport. Compostable materials also do not leave behind any detrimental chemicals when breaking down unlike biodegradable substances.

Cornstarch does not have a specific lifespan. The lifespan of cornstarch can change depending on the package and sealing. If the cornstarch is correctly sealed and packaged, the lifespan is indefinite and can last without losing any of its quality.

Often used interchangeably, these two similar terms have very different meanings. While all compostable products are biodegradable, not all biodegradable products are compostable.
Compostable products are made using organic elements / plants, which degrade over time. This includes (but is not limited to) potato starch, corn starch, bamboo, and bagasse (sugar cane pulp). There are NO TOXIC BYPRODUCTS from compostable degradation. Biodegradable, on the other hand, refers to any material which breaks down into small pieces within the environment. This means that materials which break down into smaller, harmful by-products (such as micro plastics), are still classified as ‘biodegradable’, despite being detrimental to the environment.

Often made of plant-based matter, compostable bioplastic is a material capable of breaking down into carbon dioxide, water and biomass at a rate comparable to cellulose. Compostable bioplastics decompose completely in a composting environment and do not leave any toxic material behind.

Bioplastics is a term used to describe materials that are bio-based and / or biodegradable. Derived from renewable sources, such as plant-based starch, sugarcane or cellulose, they are used to manufacture products intended for short-term use.
Bioplastics are used for a variety of products across a range of industries, including electronics, automotive, agriculture and gastronomy. Some common uses for bioplastics include packaging materials, food packaging, hygiene products and insulation.

The words biodegradable and compostable are often used interchangeably but there are some differences between the two. Both will decompose in a composting environment, however compostable materials decompose at a faster rate than biodegradable products. Almost all compostable material is biodegradable, but not all biodegradable material is compostable.

Fields of application for bioplastic materials and products are increasing steadily.
Bioplastics today are primarily found in the following market segments:
• Packaging
• Food services
• Agriculture / horticulture
• Consumer electronics
• Automotive
• Consumer goods and household appliances
Currently packaging is the leading market segment.
More information: http://www.european-bioplastics.org/market/

Bioplastics help reduce the dependency on limited fossil resources, which are expected to become significantly more expensive in the coming decades. Slowly depleted fossil resources are being gradually substituted with renewable resources (currently predominantly annual crops, such as corn and sugar beet, or perennial cultures, such as cassava and sugar cane).
Bioplastics also possess the unique potential to reduce GHG emissions or even be carbon neutral. Plants absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide as they grow. Using this biomass to create bioplastic products constitutes a temporary removal of greenhouse gases (CO2) from the atmosphere. This carbon fixation can be extended for a period of time if the material is recycled.
Another major benefit offered by bioplastics is that they can ‘close the cycle’ and increase resource efficiency. This potential can be exploited most effectively by establishing ‘use cascades’, in which renewable resources are firstly used to produce materials and products prior to being used for energy recovery.
This means either: 1. using renewable resources for bioplastic products, mechanically recycling these products several times and recovering their renewable energy at the end of their product life or 2. using renewable resources for bioplastic products, organically recycling them (composting) at the end of a product’s life cycle (if certified accordingly) and creating valuable biomass / humus during the process. This resulting new product facilitates plant growth thus closing the cycle.
Furthermore, plastics that are biobased and compostable can help to divert biowaste from landfill and increase waste management efficiency across Europe. All in all, bioplastics can raise resource efficiency to its (current) best potential.
More information: http://www.european-bioplastics.org/bioplastics/environment/

Bioplastics are used in packaging, catering products, automotive parts, electronic consumer goods and have many more applications where conventional plastics are used. Neither conventional plastic nor bioplastic should be ingested. Bioplastics used in food and beverage packaging are approved for food contact, but are not suitable for human consumption.

Supply is well ensured to meet the growing demand in the short and medium term. However, it is difficult to make long-term forecasts due to the dynamic and innovative nature of the bioplastic market. A reliable legislative framework in the EU would be beneficial to further attracting investment and ensuring supply in the long run.
In recent years numerous joint ventures have been established. Planned investments in bioplastic production capacities have been made. Initial facilities producing various types of bioplastics are operating in Europe, the Americas and Asia. Additional facilities are currently being set up in different regions from Thailand to Italy to produce more bioplastics, including starch compounds, PLA, biobased PBS, PE or bio-PET. These investments and scaleups are reflected in European Bioplastics’ market data, which show growth in capacity from 1.7 million tons in 2014 to roughly 7.8 million tons in 2019.
More information: http://www.european-bioplastics.org/market/

Yes. All certified compostable materials will break down when placed in a composting environment in a home or commercial facility.

Globally, there are a number of product certifications that recognise a product’s level of composability. Look out for symbols and logos printed on your packaging with the following numbers.

• EN13432 (2000) – European Certification
• OK bio-based – Austria
• ASTM D6400 (2004) – Biodegradable Products Institute in North American
• BNQ 0017-988 (2010) – Standards Council of Canada
• AS 5810 Home Compost certified

The seedling logo and OK compost logo is widely used on packaging produced for Australia and Europe to verify the product’s claims of biodegradability and compostability. These products are certified to biodegrade in an industrial composting facility.

If you have a home composting facility, you can dispose of the bag in there. If not, you can drop it at a local industrial composting and organics recycling facility. Some councils also provide composting facilities through their kerbside waste collections – either through green organic and garden waste bin or through dedicated organic recycling service. Check with your local council to determine the best approach to composting in your area.

Please do not throw compostable items into the rubbish bin. Compostable plastic will not break down properly in landfill. They require air and moisture to properly decompose, so it is up to you to ensure your compostable bag ends up in a composting environment.

No, you should not throw compostable bags in with general recycling. This creates an additional step for the recycling plant to sort out bioplastics from recyclable plastics and it may never end up in a composting facility.

The speed at which your bag decomposes depends on its material makeup and the composting facility it is deposited into. As a general guide, all Biotuff products will completely compost in 90 to 180 days.

Biotuff products meet international standards for home and industrial composting, which means they can be disposed of in either type of composting facility safely. The real difference is the time it takes to break down. An industrial facility will break down the material faster because there is more movement; the piles are consistently turned over and they reach higher temperatures.

All Biotuff products are made from renewable plant-based materials. Our film bags, including Doggy Bags, Check out Bags and Bin Liners are made from corn starch compostable materials. Our reusable non-woven bags, such as our wine and tote bags, are crafted from tapioca starch.

Australia maintains some of the strictest measures for biodegradable and compostable plastics globally. Any product that meets the Australian Standard test must comply with a set of assessment criteria that verify the product can biodegrade in a composting facility. This test is referred to as AS4736-2006 and helps to regulate polymeric materials entering the Australian market. It is similar to the European EN 13432 standard, but with the additional requirement of a worm test.

To comply with the AS4736-2006, materials must meet the following criteria:
• Minimum of 90% biodegradation within 180 days in compost
• Minimum of 90% disintegrate into less than 2mm pieces in compost within 12 weeks
• No toxic effect of the resulting compost on plants and earthworms
• Hazardous substances (such as heavy metals) should not be present above the maximum allowed levels
• Materials should contain more than 50% organic materials

The seedling logo can be used by the product manufacturer and their customers. It can be printed on the finished product to verify the authenticity of the item’s eco-claims and compliance with AS4736-2006. This mark helps customers and waste disposal units easily recognise a piece of compostable packaging and dispose of it in the correct way.

The seedling logo clearly identifies products that are certified compostable in Australia and New Zealand. The Australasian Bioplastics Association (ABA) launched the seedling logo to clearly differentiate packaging materials as biodegradable and compostable.
To achieve this certification, products must undergo the stringent tests outlined by AS4736 and carried out by independent laboratories.

The AS5810 Standard set by the Australian Standards requires that the compostable product completely disintegrate after 180 days and completely biodegrade after 12 months in a home composting facility. Similar to AS14736, once a product is AS5810 certified, it may display the home-compost bin logo.

Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) is a kerbside collection service that allows food scraps to be added to garden waste bin so it can be recycled into top quality compost.

Currently, just under 40% of red bin content is food waste, which goes directly to landfill. Here, it degrades and generates greenhouse gases. FOGO is a beneficial resource, and when collected and processed appropriately, it can be turned into compost that can be used in farms, parks and sports fields. Introducing FOGO will have huge environmental benefits, not to mention it is easy and inexpensive.

Food waste degrades in landfills and produces harmful greenhouse gases. Not only this, but food waste comprises nearly 40% of all landfill space, meaning that the introduction of FOGO will save the country both money and space.

FOGO allows otherwise useless food and organic waste to be processed into compost that can be used for food production, parks, and sports fields.

Your FOGO bin can be used for food/organic items that you might not currently compost, such as dairy, bones, meat/fish scraps and weeds.

• Garden waste – flowers, leaves, grass clippings, pruning’s, etc
• Food waste – leftovers, bread, vegetable scraps, bones, milk, cheese, etc
• Tissues and paper towel
• Soiled pizza boxes
• Compostable packaging
• Pet waste

Unfortunately, Australia severely lags behind our European counterparts in the way of renewability and recycling. FOGO is widespread across Europe (and even most other states and territories of Australia), and as such can be expected to become commonplace within NSW within the next few years.

Everything going into a food recycling bin is the same as what was going into your garbage bins so the bins will not attract rodents any more than a normal garbage bin will. Try to keep your food recycling bin away from sunlight and report any bin issues such as faulty lids or cracks to Council for repair. Remember, birds and rats cannot open bin lids. If the lid is down, they can’t get in. Don’t overfill your bins. In warmer months, food bins may attract vinegar flies. These small flies can be avoided by sprinkling bi-carb soda on the base of the food bin and making sure the bin lid shuts properly.

There are many alternatives to plastics that help reduce the amount that ends up in landfill. One of these alternatives is banana palm which takes around 6-8 months to grow and mature. Right now in Australia, there are about 3,000 hectares of banana plantations in Australia.

There are several applications that can be made from these compostable and biodegradable alternatives to plastics. Some of these include: producing pizza boxes, burger clamshells, meat containers, dishes and cutlery

The biggest environmental benefit that arises by using compostable bioplastics is the reduction in greenhouse gases. Another environmental benefit of using these alternatives is reducing the amount of plastics that end up in landfills and the ocean.

According to the EPA, of the 267.8 million tons of municipal solid waste general by Americans in 2017, only 94.2 million tons were recycled or composted

The short answer is no, recycling is not as effective as we thought it was. Only 9% of all plastics are recycled in the US annually.

One way that we can improve our recycling system is by introducing chemical recycling. Depolymerisation can break down polyester and polystyrene into their raw materials for conversion back into new polymers. Chemical recycling works when it has been deployed at a large scale

A home-compostable bag is not meant to last forever. It is meant to collect organic waste and be turned into compost along with that organic waste. Because a home-compostable bag is not made of polyethylene, the bag can start to break down when exposed to microorganisms that are found in the ground and organic waste.

Plastic fabrics help stretch skinny jeans and socks, add shine to clothing, keep outerwear lightweight and water-resistant, and allow accessories to be moulded into all kinds of funky shapes. From nylon, polyester and spandex to synthetic fleece, rayon and even recycled plastic, the fashion world has embraced these plastic fabrics and taken design to the highest level. Learn more about the different types of plastic fabrics.

To produce today’s plastics, chemists start with various elements (such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and so on) that come from natural resources.
Chemists combine various atoms to form molecules, which are two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. When making plastics, these molecules are generally called monomers. These monomers are then joined by chemical bonds in a chain or network, this is called polymerization. And the resulting material is called a polymer or plastic.

The biodegradability of plastics largely depends on the type of plastic and where it ends up. Many plastics do not decompose significantly, regardless of environmental conditions, while some do very slowly when exposed to air, water, and light. Both types are best recycled or used for stored energy.

The small symbol on the plastic product identifies the type of plastic (resin) used to make the item. Recyclers sometimes use this information to sort plastic for recycling.

As with conventional plastics, this is entirely dependent on the application and infrastructure available in the region where the product is to be recovered. Bioplastics are a large family of materials with very different properties. The end-of-life solution depends on the selected bioplastic and application. In addition to all waste streams suitable for conventional plastics, some certified and biodegradable bioplastic products can also be composted.

Bio plastics are moving out of the niche and into the mass market. Although full market penetration is just beginning, bio plastic materials and products are multiplying continuously. Big brand owners including Danone, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Heinz, Tetra Pak and L’Occitane in the packaging market, or Ford, Mercedes, VW, Toyota in the automotive market have launched or integrated bio plastic products. With strong brand names driving the development, market penetration is gaining speed.

Fields of application for bioplastic materials and products are increasing steadily. Bioplastics today are primarily found in the following market segments:
• Packaging
• Food services
• Agriculture/horticulture
• Consumer electronics
• Automotive
• Consumer goods and household appliances
Currently packaging is the leading market segment. However, automotive and consumer electronics are continuously coming up with new bioplastic applications. Furthermore, bioplastics will become broadly visible in the sports equipment and toys sectors and first applications are appearing in the construction industry (floor paneling, plugs or insulating material).

The cost of research and development still makes up for a share of investment in bioplastics and has an impact on material and product prices. However, prices have continuously been decreasing over the last decade. With rising demand, increasing volumes of bioplastics on the market and rising oil-prices, the costs for bioplastics will be comparable with those for conventional plastic prices.

No. Bioplastics have a multitude of short-lived and durable applications. The term bioplastics covers a family of materials with a wide range of differing properties. Biobased or partially biobased commodity plastics such as PE or PET are used for durable applications including car dashboards and mobile phone covers. Technical biopolymers like polyamides are used in machinery, automotive and sports equipment.

Today, there is a bioplastic alternative to almost every conventional plastic. Bioplastics currently have the same properties as conventional plastics (e.g. thermoplastics) and often offer additional advantages, such as compostability, natural breathability etc. Bioplastics are also being improved continuously with increased heat resistance, enhanced moisture barriers, greater stiffness and flexibility or improved durability. Bioplastics are available in a wide variety of types and compounds that can be converted on the standard equipment generally used for processing conventional plastics.

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